I love what I am doing...I have heard it said before (and it applies to everyone in my mind) that it is a prerequisite for being self-employed. I have always loved my jobs, ever since I was young and working in the corn fields, removing the tassels (it was feed corn and the tassel removal is necessary in the pollination process). Subsequent jobs have included a corner store with a fruit and veggie side that was the busiest little store in town and for good reason; working in many areas of child care and research, teaching community college and now I am creating a business out of my passion for healthy food and lifestyle....and loving it.
I believe without question that the universe does give us what we need and want and sometimes we do not get what we think we need...so sometimes it isn't easy...and sometimes it is. Yesterday was one of those 'easy' days. I went back to the store where I had seen the shelf that I thought might work for smaller items, items that don't need a big bin, like herbs and tea. It was still there all right, but it was labelled SOLD, and I of course was disappointed. So I happily asked the folks working there if it was possible that they were saving it for me?...after all I had mentioned to someone a few days ago that I might want to buy it. At first they said no, that it would have had to been paid for in order for it to be labeled as sold and I of course had not paid for it. In spite of this, they decided to dig a bit deeper and in a few minutes I was being told that in fact I could buy it. The universe works in mysterious ways. I actually bought 3 items in the store, filled my car (love that PT Cruiser that can hold a lot in the back!) and off I went, arriving back home just before the weather got really stormy.
I am on a learning curve with the Quickbooks course I am taking through the college. It is actually a computer learning curve rather than the software at this point. I will keep working on it (love the support of the college help group)...and will dig into the actual course likely tonight.
I have made some calls and emails about double sinks and hope to learn that there is an industrial one available to buy soon. I could 'make do' with a standard household laundry sink, but have a stainless steel industrial one in my 'vision', so will give it some time to present itself. The other piece of furniture I need is a cash counter and I will likely go to Cobourg tomorrow, weather permitting, to buy one that I think will be just perfect... or close enough with some adaptations. :) (will need to measure the back of the PT one more time, just to make sure that it will go in of course....
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