We are all on a 'journey' and these journeys are individual with commonalities of shared beliefs and values and interests....as I have shared some of my 'journey' to Picton through recipes and stories of baking and cooking I have had fun, lots of fun. My 'Picton journey' has evolved as I had dreamed and I am now in the midst of putting together the multitude of levels and pieces to open Penny's Pantry sometime in May. So, with something like 10 weeks left to bring this dream to fruition, at least to open what will be the essence of the Pantry, my daily energies are less directed to cooking and baking and more directed to double sinks and product lists. At the same time as I have had less focus on actually cooking and baking a couple of idea seeds were planted last week at the social media sharing group. We were having a general discussion about what makes a blog interesting to others...for example what was it about the Julia and Julia blog that made it 'work'??? Written from the heart, food is a common denominator, relationships and sharing some of our challenges....the bottom line is that people care and are more similar than different. The other seed that was planted for me, is that people in Picton are for sure interested and supportive of my opening the Pantry, and they want to tell me what it is that they are most interested in being able to buy at my store.....so I will use this venue to both share the progress, some of the challenges and achievements of bringing the Pantry to fruition as well as welcoming YOUR recommendations for products....and so we begin.
Having said this, I will continue to cook, bake and eat and will most likely take the odd photo and post it here :) ...so the above baby spinach salad with walnuts and dates and a yummy asian dressing, served with cottage cheese was my dinner a couple of nights ago, as I was hungry but didn't want to take time away from working to make anything more time consuming...and I think I had popcorn a bit later too :):)
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