Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day 1...The Power of Food

I am a foodie and an adventurer and writing on-line about food is part of my next adventure.

So first of all, let me introduce myself and my purpose of initiating The Power of Food...or Penny's Pantry as the 'store-front business' will be called....this is my dream, a contribution to my small corner of the world. My life's work has focused on children and I have forever and always been a 'foodie'. My dream statement is as follows:

My dream is for every single child to be nurtured to radiate the love, respect and knowledge to make earth safe and sustainable.

Part of nurturing children is of course from the food that we as a society and the adults in their worlds provide. However it is not only the food itself that nurtures our children. The healthiest children are those who are grounded in a strong self-esteem and this is initially developed from the earliest years through reciprocal relationships with significant adults in their lives. One of the most beautiful 'dances' of reciprocity between an adult and a child is when a child is being nursed on her mother's breast.

I am an Early Childhood Educator, a mother, a sister, a researcher, a teacher, a friend and an individual who cares deeply about the world and the quality of our lives. I exercise regularly, enjoy making and eating healthy food and want to share my perspective with others. I also intend to start a business to provide parenting supports including providing healthy food.

The next entry will start from my childhood memories of food and its importance in my life and go from there....