Well, after the visitors, came preparing to move and once I started to empty the cupboards of flour, bran, wheat germ etc etc and after that the baking dishes that found their way into boxes....well it seemed like baking was just not going to happen for about a month....and that is just how it is.
So now that I am nicely (or at least 'good enough') settled in to a new condo with a brand new stove....I have started to re-stock the baking cupboard and tonight I made both a chocolate 'wacky cake' (it is a simple recipe, not all that healthy, but not to unhealthy either that can be made right in the pan:)) and also some carrot muffins and cake. I am wonderfully pleased with the oven, which is cooking at the temp it says it is and doesn't have any 'hot spots'..so YES I do intend to bake, cook and write more in coming weeks. The carrot muffins have both whole wheat and spelt flour and the sugar is reduced a bit and is an organic something or other....will follow up on this soon.